5 simple and easy tips on how to go organic with food

We all know that eating organically grown food is healthy for our body and mind. Free from pesticides and chemicals, organic food contains more nutrients and also tastes better! It supports local farmers and keeps our children safe. 

But the big question remains - How do I go organic? 

organic farm food

When everywhere around me, I see packets and piles of vegetables, grains and other food items that are inorganic, how do I make a healthy choice? 

How do I find my way out of this confusing maze to find organic, wholesome food?

True. Going organic is not easy in a world where packaged food is fashionable and easily available. But if you are on the path of health and happiness for your family, here are some simple tips to help you make an organic choice.

Go slow Take one step at a time

a2 milk

Start with one item in your kitchen or refrigerator that you consume every day and find an organic source for it. 
If you drink milk every day, find an organic dairy farm nearby where you can get raw, fresh milk from a native variety of cows. Ask your local milkman, or simply do a google search and you will find many healthy options to choose from. 

Slowly, build on a new item every month – Vegetables, rice, dal, fruits, oil and so on. If possible, visit a farmer’s market in your area and ask around to find organic options. 

Friend a farmer Eat local Eat seasonal

organic farms

You will find many family-run, organic farms near you that offer freshly plucked vegetables, native variety of grains and wood-pressed organic oil.
When you support local farmers, it helps them grow more and better food and reduce their supply costs to you.

The best thing about a local farm is that you and your family eat seasonal food, just like our grandmothers advised us to! 
You can plan a picnic or a day-long visit to a local farm with your kids and get to see how a farm works!
Feel yourself connect with nature by planting seeds into the soil, let your kids feed a cow and feel compassion for animals, and build a bond with your farmer to help them be proud of their work! 

To visit our farm in Cuddalore, next to the Pennar river contact us at Neel-Eco-Living

Grow some on your own

organic farm product

You don’t need a big garden to grow a few pots of your favourite herbs and vegetables. For example, chillies, coriander, mint, curry leaves, tomato and spinach are some of the varieties you can grow at home. To know more about growing a vegetable garden at home contact us at Neel-Eco-Living.

Say NO junk food

no junk food

Junk food like chips, popcorn, ketchup, cereal, soft drinks/ colas, sausages and other processed meats contain unhealthy fats, like trans fats along with unhealthy amounts of sugar and salt to preserve them for a long time. (Source: NDTV Food) 

If snacking is something you enjoy, try making homemade snacks like chikki (til-gud-peanuts combo), besan cheela or gram-flour pancakes, toasted makhana or fox nut, green moong salad, fresh corn bhel and the list is endless.  

Find friends and family who also want organic

organic farm product

Seek out neighbours, friends and family members who also prefer organic food. You can share your experiences, give helpful tips and ask questions about choosing organic options. 
If you don’t know anyone like that, you could be the first promoter of organic food in your community!

You can talk about the amazing taste of organic fruits, the health benefits, increased immunity and overall energy to help them go organic too!

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